Products Products By Form Granules Types: Herbal granules with assorted flavors Infra: Packed on FFS (Fill-form seal) machine ranging from 1-1000 g Packaging: Container packing & labeling on auto packing linePacking customized packing available Pak Awaleha Types: Chyawanprash awaleha facility for high volumes Packaging: Container packing & labeling on auto packing lineCustomized packing available Tablet (Coated & Uncoated) Types: Herbal, polyherbal uncoated tablets (humans & animals)Film-coated colored & transparent, golden & silver mica coatedDispersible & effervescent tabletOral chewable, healing, lingual, mouth refreshing tablet Infra: Pilling machinePill table counting & filling machineAuto counter and pouch filling machine Packaging: Container packing & labeling on auto packing lineBlister packingCustomized packing available Capsule Types: EHGC semi-auto filling machineAll sizes Infra: Pouch filling machine Packaging: Container packing & labeling on auto packing lineBlister packingCustomized packing available Liquid(Oral) Types: In-house high-capacity herbal extraction, distillation & ghana preparation facilitiesSpray drying facility available for specific productsLiquid filling for small volumes: 10-20 ml; dropper concentrates Packaging: Oral spray bottle filling & packingContainer filling, packing, labeling & sleeving on auto packing lineAutomated roll form labelingAutomated batch codingMono cartooningBlister packingCustomized packing available Ayurvedic Oils Ghritas(External Application) Types: In-house high-capacity herbal extraction, distillation & ghana, and preparation of Siddha tel (oils) & ghritas. Packaging: Container filling, packing, labeling & sleeving on auto packing lineAutomated roll form labelingAutomated batch codingMono cartooningCustomized packing available Shampoos(External Application) Types: In-house high capacity herbal extraction, distillation & ghana and preparation of shampoos including sulphate & paraben free Packaging: Container filling, packing, labelling & sleeving on auto packing lineAutomated roll form labelingAutomated batch codingMono cartooningCustomized packing available Ointment/Cream (External Application) Types: In-house high capacity herbal extraction, distillation & ghana preparation facilities for use in creams & ointmentsAuto Lami tube and seamless tube filling Packaging: Container filling, packing & labeling on auto packing lineAutomated roll form labelingAutomated batch codingMono cartooningBlister packingCustomized packing available Gel (External Application) Types: Skin, body, face wash, intimate wash, etc.In-house high capacity herbal extraction, distillation & ghana preparation facilities for use in gelAuto Lami tube and seamless tube filling Packaging: Container filling, packing & labeling on auto packing lineAutomated roll form labelingAutomated batch codingMono cartooningBlister packingCustomized packing available Products By Form Granules Pak Awaleha Tablet (Coated & Uncoated) Capsule Liquid(Oral) Ayurvedic Oils Ghritas(External Application) Shampoos(External Application) Ointment/Cream (External Application) Gel(External Application)